In this year’s mid-autumn festival, we had the opportunity to give back to our good friends, Sailability Hong Kong and Happy Grannies Hong Kong, with custom-designed mooncake sets! Mooncakes for happy granny were gifted to live-alone elderlies across Cheung Sha Wan, and Sailability moon cakes were shared amongst Sailability sailors and their families.
This would not have been possible without the help of Mr Chadwick Lie from Chong Lap Hong Kong for sponsoring 200 moon cakes, talented illustrator Herbert Kinghin Spedding from Sailability Hong Kong, and our very own graphic design intern Vivienne Yuen!
今年中秋節我們精心準備了訂製月餅禮盒來回饋我們的長期夥伴 Sailability Hong Kong 以及 Happy Grannies。贈與Happy Grannies的月餅成功派發給居住於長沙灣的獨居長者,而Sailability的月餅則是分配給了Sailability的水手及他們的家人們。
感謝創立香港 Chadwick Lie 先生贊助的200盒月餅、才華洋溢的Sailability成員 歐陽璟軒 所提供的精美插畫以及Studio Doozy的平面設計實習生 阮靖喬 的生動插圖!
Hope everyone had a joyous Mid-Autumn Festival