We have been once again very fortunate to have two talented interns join the Studio throughout the summer to contribute to the development of Sail Control.
Gracia (Biomed Engineer Intern) and Hubert (Electronic and Computer Engineer Intern) have shown great professionalism and commitment to the parts of the project assigned to them.
Gracia's internship goal was to develop a new Sip & Puff control for Sail Control, with the requirements that the user could switch the control from the mainsail to the helm by pressing a button with the lips or teeth, and the device could be worn on the user's head. Gracia went through several rounds of design iteration to get things right.
Hubert's internship goal was to develop the weather station for Sail Control. The purpose of the weather station was to inform the system of the wind speed and direction, temperature, barometric pressure, and general conditions of the sea. This station would then stream all this data to the cloud where data would be sent to the computers on board each sailboat. Hubert managed to source all the necessary electronic parts, design the schematic, print the PCB, and have a fully workable version.
We sincerely thank Gracia and Hubert for their contribution to the mission of our Studio to improve people's living! We can only wish them the best in their future endeavours!